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Tajha Winkle's Portfolio


My name is Tajha Winkle...

I'm a Jamaican illustrator and 2D animator with a love for nature, and curiosity about the human condition. I'm interested in illustrating for picture books, visual development and 2D animation opportunities.

​In 2021, I graduated from The University of the West Indies with a BFA in animation. It wasn't easy, especially since I was balancing my art business, extracurriculars, and volunteering. The Holywell Gift Centre is home to the mural I completed as a volunteer in 2020, and home to my most cherished experiences at the Park & nature reserve. Since then I've been an IFLE artist Laureate, won the Brodber/Pollard Prize for creative writing in 2021, and illustrated numerous children's books focused on young black girls and their experiences. In January 2022 I had my first artist show case for WeChangeJA & QLounge called Eclectic Soul Sessions in January 2022 for queer & under-represented artists. My most recent pride is completing an Animated short about the number 8 for Sesame Workshop that aired on HBO MAX in 2022.

 You can find me on my tiny tropical island working on exciting art projects or feeding wild birds in my spare time, cup of tea in hand.


09 February 2023

Professional Title:

2D Animation, illustration, Visual Development